
Chapter 2

Chapter 2 is a french protein and wellness brand created from the belief that the health and fitness industry should be accessible to everyone. Whilst working apart of a team at BTL Brands I was immersed in the world of protein and fitness.

 I was in charge of the digital content for Chapter 2. I flew to Nîmes, where I directed, shot and edited a variety of videos for Chapter 2; a looped inspirational video for the websites landing page, an in depth interview with Bastien the company's

I was in charge of the digital content for Chapter 2. I flew to Nîmes, where I directed, shot and edited a variety of videos for Chapter 2; a looped inspirational video for the websites landing page, an in depth interview with Bastien the company's founder, several workout videos for their YouTube channel and I also filmed a handful of 60 second smoothie recipes using Chapter 2's very own protein.

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Back in London, Chapter 2 asked me to shoot their protein drums and flasks
for their eCommerce website. Using my own equipment and paper I found around the studio, I was able to shoot all the products swiftly and to a high quality.

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 When designing the Chapter 2 protein drum packaging, we ran into a problem where the design on the computer featured a straight diagonal line, but once printed and wrapped around a drum, the straight line would appear curved, which is not what we wa

When designing the Chapter 2 protein drum packaging, we ran into a problem where the design on the computer featured a straight diagonal line, but once printed and wrapped around a drum, the straight line would appear curved, which is not what we wanted. My previous understanding of 3D anamorphic art meant I was able to solve the issue by creating a line that was curved on the iMac screen but appeared straight when printed and wrapped around the drum.

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